the game begins

strategy and plans are made

so pitch it

kick it

fly away

run to base for safety's sake


Recess on the school yard playground

we are players of children's games

running after balls and bases

in a game without a name


Shooting for the big-time player

racing toward some victory

games are played on different layers

with certain mystery

the sides get picked

and the games begin

strategy and plans are made

so pitch it

kick it

fly away

run for safety's sake


Always on a school yard playground

we play timeless children's games

running after balls and bases

making new rules with funny names


Yelling across this school yard playground

we play out these timeless games

running after balls and bases

in a game without a name

no name

no name

no name



Children's Games


Yelling across a school yard playground

we play timeless children's games

running after balls and bases

making new rules with funny names

sides are picked


© Gerald Nicholas Simpson.  All rights reserved.